eae:most-popular Attributes


Used to identify 'com.escenic.analysis.qs.client.pageview.MostPopular'.


Used to identify a java.util.Collection containing 'com.escenic.analysis.qs.client.pageview.MostPopularElement'.


(Required)(Runtime expression)

Type: String

This is the URL to the EAE query service, i.e., http://server:port/eae-qs/QueryService.


(Runtime expression)

Type: java.util.Date

Defining the start of the time period.

Note: Cannot be used with sinceMinutesAgo/sinceHoursAgo attributes.


(Runtime expression)

Type: java.util.Date

Defining the end of the time period.

Note: Cannot be used with sinceMinutesAgo/sinceHoursAgo attributes.


(Runtime expression)

Type: String

Defining how many minutes ago the time period starts (appending to sinceHoursAgo).

Note: Cannot be used with to/from attributes.


(Runtime expression)

Type: String

Defining how many hours ago the time period starts (appending to sinceMinutesAgo).

Note: Cannot be used with to/from attributes.


(Runtime expression)

Type: String, Default: 10

Maximum number of elements in the list.


Type: String (comma separated values) or String[], Default: empty/null

Limit the list to contain only the specified types, i.e., 'article' or 'section'. Valid types must be defined in {com.escenic.eae.config}/logger.cfg.


(Runtime expression)

Type: Integer or String (comma separated values) or String[], Default: empty/null

Limit the list to contain elements only from the specified sections.


(Runtime expression)

Type: Integer or String (comma separated values) or String[], Default: empty/null

Limit the list to contain elements only from the specified publications. Note the 'includeContextPubId' attribute. If that attribute is set to true, pubIds added with the pubId attribute will be appended to the context publication ID.


(Runtime expression)

Type: boolean/Boolean or String, Default: true

By default, if neo.xredsys.api.Publication is found in the request scope, the list will be limited to contain only elements from this Publication. However, setting this value to false will ignore the publication context.


Type: String (comma separated values) or String[], Default: empty/null

Limit the list to contain only the specified metas. It may be empty, but, when specified, must be a String(comma separated) or a String[]. Absence of this attribute will include all metas.


Type: String (comma separated values) or String[], Default: empty/null

An array of category values which this query will be limited to. The attribute may be empty, but, when specified, must be a String(comma separated) or a String[]. Absence of this attribute will include all categories.


(Runtime expression)

Type: boolean/Boolean or String, Default: false

This attribute determines whether or not to include the remaining objects as one element. If set to true, this will add an aggregated element to the list (max + 1) representing all the remaining objects. By default the value of this attribute is false.


(Runtime expression)

Type: boolean, Default: true

This parameter is used to configure if articles will be grouped by publication when generating most popular reports. It defaults to true. If set to false, article and/or section will not be grouped across publications. Please note that when this parameter is set to false, accessing pubId property in com.escenic.analysis.qs.client.pageview.MostPopularElement will return 0 as articles are not grouped considering publications in such case.

Please note that Analysis Engine is article state agnostic, so using this tag will retrieve most popular articles regardless their states. Templates should be written to filter unpublished articles, if necessary.