Pre-installation requirements

EAE release

You need an Escenic Analysis Engine release, If you do not have a release, please contact your Escenic representative.

Extract the release into a temporary folder. The folder should then contain lib/analysis-qs-client.jar, misc (folder), documentation (folder), wars/analysis-qs.war, and wars/analysis-logger.war.

Application server

An application server must be set up and running. The application server must be J2EE 1.5++ certified, running on JDK 1.5++


You need a database server up and running. Supported databases are MySql (5.x), Oracle, MS Sql Server 2000 and Sybase.

Create a database instance for the EAE application and a user which has sufficent access to this database instance; http connect, select, insert, update, create tables, etc.

Due to security and performance issues, it's recommended that EAEs application and database servers are installed on a separate physical server, a part from other mission critical applications. In order to achieve even more performance, run the EAE database server on its own dedicated physical server, and distribute the Logger web application on as many physical servers necessary to handle the amount of concurrent requests during peak time. Refer to the section Multiple Logger web applications in the next chapter for more details.

The Query Service module utilizes JAXP 1.2 XML Schema validation. It's recommended that a XML library supporting JAXP 1.2 is installed on the application server. However, the application will work with older XML libraries, but in a non-validating mode.