Installing Demo Templates

Some Escenic plug-ins come with example templates. If available, these are located in the <plugin-name>/wars/ directory of the plug-in distribution. To install the demo templates, do the following:

Create Publication

Upload the WAR file to the Escenic Admin webapp as a publication definition. Create a publication. If any content is bundled with the templates, an import will be started automatically.

Build Publication

Add a publication definition to your /publications folder, defining the publication name and the WAR file location. An example definition for the Calendar demo templates may look like this:

source-war:   ../../plugins/calendar/wars/calendardemo.war
context-root: /calendar

Save the file and build using the ant -q ear command. Note that the relative path in the above example depends on your setting for the publication-wars property of the assembly tool configuration.

Deploy the Publication

Deploy the complete EAR-file, which includes the new publication, or deploy the single WAR file located in the ECE_HOME/dist/war directory.

Development Setup

In a development environment, the publications should be deployed as exploded webapps. After building the demo templates the first time, extract the resulting WAR file located in the <assemblytool>/dist/war directory to an appropriate location and deploy this as an exploded webapp.

Redeploying a Webapp

OC4J, Tomcat, Resin

Overwrite the existing 'war' file with the new version and restart the appserver.


Use the 'console' web application (default: http://<server>:7001/console):

  1. undeploy the running webapp (uncheck the 'deploy' box)

  2. deploy the new 'war' file