Escenic Content Studio

Escenic Content Studio will provide web statistics for section frontpages and its desked articles when the EAE Plugin is installed.

In order to access this information, the user needs to create a 'Statistics' panel in the Content Studio. To add a new panel, log into Content Studio, and click on 'View' on the top menu bar. In the 'View' menu, click on 'Configure panels' to configure the Statistics panel to be added. The snapshot below demonstrates this.


When the 'Configure panels' window is open, create a new panel. 'Statistics' should be selected from the drop down menu for the type of the new panel.


Open a section, i.e. the frontpage section. Doing this will populate the statistics panel with the most popular articles viewed under this section. The panel shows the title of the articles viewed the most, the last time these were viewed, the total number of page views for these articles, and the trend information for these articles.

The trend information is presented to give a visual indicator of increase or decrease in page views for the particular article. Trend calculation is based on a five minutes slot comparison. The trend is calculated for the articles by comparing their statistics between these five minutes slots. If the page view of an article is greater in the current slot than that of the previous slot, the trend icon will show an upward green arrow indicating the trend of the article has increased. If the page view for the current slot is less than that of the previous slot, the trend will be a downward red icon. If there is no change in the page views of two consecutive slots, the trend will be a sideways yellow icon to indicate no change in popularity of the article.

The Statistics panel has a refresh button to repopulate the panel with the most recent statistics along with the trend information for the section in question. A sample statistics is shown below.


When refreshing, the statistical information available in the local cache (EAE Plugin query cache) is returned immediately. The first time a query is executed, it will return n/a since no data exists in the cache. The next time (if not too soon) the refresh button is pressed, numbers will appear. The query results are valid for 2 minutes (this can be changed in On each query, the cached data will be returned and then if the cached result is older than 2 minutes, it will be updated in the background. This way, the refresh button must sometimes be pressed 2 times (how long between each click depends on the load on the server), to update the statistical information.