Server Install

Create Plug-in Directory

If ECE_HOME/plugins do not exist, create it. If you want to change the location of the plug-in folder, edit the <assembly-tool-home>/ file.

Unpack Plug-in Distribution

Unpack the plug-in distribution file to ECE_HOME/plugins, such that there is a directory plugins/<plugin-name> afterwards.

Run DB Scripts

Run database scripts from plugins/<plugin-name>/misc/database/eae-<db-vendor>.sql. If there is no misc/database directory there are no db scripts. The scripts must be run in this order:

Rebuild and Deploy ECE

Build the ECE Enterprise Archive using the command ant ear. The assembly tool will add the plug-in to ECE's classpath, including the default plug-in configuration. It will add any required components to the web applications. Deploy the new EAR-file including updated webapps.

Customize the Plug-in Configuration

Refer to chapter Installation for any configuration options available to this plug-in.

Some plug-ins contain a <plugin-name>/misc/siteconfig folder. Prior to ECE 4.3 the content of this folder had to be copied to the local configuration layer and changes to applied. This is no longer necessary. The plug-ins default configuration is read from the classpath. The siteconfig folder, if it exists, contains skeleton configuration files that may be used to customize the plug-in.

Verify Installation

Restart the application server and verify the installation status in View installed plugins in the Escenic Admin webapp.

If the application server does not support EAR based deployment, the JAR files located in the <plugin-name>/lib folder must be added to the application server's classpath. All the WAR files that have been rebuilt with the assembly tool should be redeployed.