Navigation options

The light blue bar on the top represents the menu. The menu has the following items:


The main page which contains general information about this report tool.

Site Load

From this menu item you will be able to retrieve site load reports for given time periods, i.e. last hour, today, yesterday, last week. Site Load reports show how the pagviews are distributed over the given time periods, for instance, how the pageviews are spread on each hour of a day. You are also able to filter the reports to articles and/or section pages only.

Most Popular

As for Site Load, this menu item provides pre-defined time periods used when generating most popular reports. Most Popular reports list the most viewed pages of your site for the time period you choose. The most popular reports can also be filtered to only include articles and/or section pages.

Clicking on one of the most popular items, will generate a page load report for that object using the same time period. The page load report is the same as a site load report, only that all the pageviews belong to one object.

Custom Query

From the custom query page you can define your own site load, page load or most popular queries, i.e you can set from date, to date, object type etc.


If you log in as an administrator, an admin menu item appears. From this menu item you can choose Status,Options and Manage users. The status page will let you see the query service connection status. The options page enables you to configure some options like URL to the EAE query service. The last submenu item will let you create and manange users for this report tool.