
All Change Log Daemon configuration settings are stored in one file called Daemon.properties.

The Daemon.properties can be found in the /opt/escenic/changelog-daemon- folder. It contains the following property settings:


Set this to point to the Content Engine change log you want to use. For example:


Where editorial-host-ip-address is the host name or IP address of your editorial-host, and publicationId is the id of the publication you are interested in.


A Content Engine user name. This user name will be used log into the Content Engine web service and access the change log.


The password for the specified user.


The nursery path to the agent we should use when consuming the change log. This defaults to /com/escenic/daemon/Agent, so you only need to have a classes/com/escenic/daemon/ directory and put your Agent.properties there.


The folder in which temporary failures are stored. The default is .temporary-errors.


The folder in which permanent failures are stored. The default is .permanent-errors.


The direction in which log entries are to be read. Allowed values are:

previous (default)

From oldest to newest


From newest to oldest


The number of seconds between attempts to check the change log. The value must be larger than 0. The default is 10.


The number of seconds to wait after start-up before checking the change log for the first time. The value must be larger than 0. The default is 5.


The number of seconds between attempts to check the temporary errors folder (in order to retry). The value must be larger than 0. The default is 60.