Unpack Change Log Daemon components

On your changelog-daemon-host, while logged in as root:

  1. Create a folder for Change Log Daemon under /opt/escenic:

    $ mkdir /opt/escenic/
    $ chown -R escenic:escenic /opt/escenic/
  2. Change user to escenic and unpack Change Log Daemon package as follows:

    $ su - escenic
    $ cd /opt/escenic/
    $ unzip /mnt/download/changelog-daemon-

The new folder contains several different files and directories


A shell script for starting the changelog


The Jar file that contains everything you need to run the daemon


Related documentation


Examples on how to configure a Change Log Daemon

A Change Log Daemon can only drive one agent, so if you want to do several different things based on the change log, you will need to run multiple instances of the Change Log Daemon.

To install more than one Change Log Daemon on the same changelog-daemon-host, unpack the distribution in several directories and repeat the installation process for all daemons.