The form has the following parameters:

  • sectionId : specifies the section ID to which the application article will be added. This is optional. By default, the home section of the logged in user is used.

  • appServiceId : specifies the ID of the application-service article. The application-service article defines what the newly created application article will be an instance of.

  • parameter(param-name) : specifies the application service article's parameter value where param-name specifies the name of the parameter. For example, if the URL configured in the application-service article is:${user-name}, then user-name is a required parameter. Thus, the form parameter should be parameter(user-name). Likewise, the form must contain entries for all the parameters defined in the application service article URL.

  • successURL : the URL where the user should be redirected to if adding the application to the user is successful.

  • errorURL : the URL where the user should be redirected to if adding the application to the user fails.