Creating Groups

One of the most common features provided by community sites is the users' ability to form groups together. VCE comes with built-in feature to support the concept of user groups.

A user group basically consists of a group profile content, a section and an owner of the group. To create a group, we will need a content type with the following parameter:

<parameter name="" value="groupProfile"/>

The feature is implemented using the Struts framework. Hence we will need some Struts action declarations before we can write the template to let a user create a group. An example Struts configuration can be as follows:

<form-bean name="groupProfileForm"
  type="com.ndc.usercontent.struts.actions.forms.GroupProfileForm" />

<action path="/group/profile/add"
        <!-- Error and Success url are set in the template -->

Note that, the form class com.ndc.usercontent.struts.actions.forms.GroupProfileForm is a subclass of the article form class com.ndc.usercontent.struts.actions.forms.ArticleForm, so the form properties of the group form is almost identical to the properties of the article form.

An example JSP template that will let a user create a group can be as follows:

<community:user id="user"/>
<html:form styleId="addGroupForm" action="/group/profile/add">
  <html:hidden property="articleType" value="groupProfile"/>
  <html:hidden property="homeSectionId" value="${}"/>
  <html:hidden property="state" value="published"/>

  Group name: <html:text property="field(name)"/><br/>
  Description: <html:text property="field(description)" /><br/>
  <html:hidden property="errorUrl" value="error-url" />
  <html:submit value="Create"/>

The name field is used as the group name. This is also used for group profile section url.