Rejecting Friendship Requests

On a community site, a user may not wish to accept all friendship requests to keep some privacy. VCE lets a developer implement this functionality through yet another Struts framework action.

The action declaration can be as follows:

<form-bean name="friendshipForm" type=""/>

<action path="/friendship/decline"
        <forward name="error" path="/decline-friendship-error.jsp" />
        <forward name="success" path="/" redirect="true" />

An example JSP that can allow a user to decline a friendship request can be as follows:

<html:form action="/friendship/decline">
  <community:user id="currentUser"/>
  <community:user id="requestingUser" userId="${param.userId}"/>

  <html:hidden property="userId" value="${}"/>
  <html:hidden property="friendId" value="${}"/>
  <html:submit value="Decline"/>