Group Notifications

When Charlie accepts Irene's group membership request, Irene should be notified that her request has been accepted by the group administrator. VCE provides a tag library to retrieve this type of notifications.

Here is an example script on how to show the notification that group membership request has been accepted.

<community:user id="communityUser"/>
<community:groupsNotifications id="acceptedGroups" name="communityUser" type="Accepted"/>

<c:forEach var="acceptedGroup" items="${acceptedGroups}">
  Membership Accepted to group ${acceptedGroup.article.title}
  <html:form styleId="groupMemberForm" action="/notification/group/clear">
    <html:hidden property="groupId" value="${}"/>
    <html:hidden property="userId" value="${}"/>
    <html:submit value="Clear"/>

Similarly, the group administrator can see the notifications of acceptances or rejections of the group invitations he has sent. There is a tag <community:groupMembersNotifications/> to retrieve these notifications. For further details on group related tags, see Escenic Community Expansion Taglib Reference: Chapter 4: Community.

Once the user has read the notification, he will want to remove that notification. The script above showed how to clear the group notifications using the Struts action /notification/group/clear. The Struts action class serving this purpose is which uses the form class

Form PropertyDescription


The ID of the user whose notification is to be cleared.


The ID of the group for which notification is to be cleared.