Roles & Permissions

The Community Engine security module uses a model of roles and permissions. This is designed in a way that the requests can be secured without writing any security related code. User privileges can be defined by simply manipulating the roles and permissions in the Web Studio and using these in your JSP templates.

A Permission is a privilege on a section that a user should have for performing an action on the section or on the contents of the section. The permission required to perform a request or an action can be configured in security publication resource. See further details on configuring security publication resource in Security.

Users can have one or more roles on a section. Each role grants one or more permissions to the user.

The mapping of role and permission is called can be done in the authorisation matrix in Web Studio. Here, you define the permissions for a role.

Community Engine provides a tag library to access the users' roles and permissions and thereby implementing your desired security model on your web site. This information can be used to show or hide a part of the page according to the role/permission of the user. For instance, to see a group's message board, the user would need to have the GROUP MEMBER role in the group section. For further details on using the security related tags, see Escenic Community Expansion Taglib Reference: Chapter 3: auth.