Other 3rd party fetching options

In addition to the parameters for narrow down the scope of the fetching mentioned above, these may be of interest to you:

Parameter nameDescription


Time in seconds between each time VCE will start a new batch of fetching content. Try to keep this as high as possible to not grind external services to a halt, or being locked out from 3rd party services.


Delay in seconds before the first batch. The default should be fine, but if your app server is particularly slow to start up, increase this one. Five minutes (60 * 5) should be fine.


The size of the initial fetcher pool (there are two pools). You may set this variable to the number of 3rd party app services you have. There is no need to set it any higher.


The number of thread to use for each app service to fetch user applications. The default value should be fine for most cases, but you may want to increase it to make fetching go faster.

If you increase it, watch the number of open files the app server keeps. One quick way of doing this on a Linux system is:

$ ls /proc/<app server PID>/ | wc -l

It is important that the Unix user that starts the app server is allowed to open enough file handles. If you are getting exceptions like:

SEVERE: Socket accept failed org.apache.tomcat.jni.Error: Too many open files

You must increase the file handle size. To see the current number of file handles a process can open (applicable at least on NetBSD, FreeBSD and GNU/Linux), do:

$ ulimit -n

Refer to your OS documentation on setting this permanently.