Configuring Waiter

Open the waiter-config.yaml file you have created in an editor, and set the following parameters:


Set this to URL of your Cook. For example:

cookBaseURL: ""

Set this to the name of your Escenic publication. For example:

 - name: "dailynews"

Here you can add a list of host names you want to be associated with the publication. For example:

    - ""
    - ""

Here you must specify the path of the folder containing the Twig templates to be used for rendering this publication. The demo includes a set of templates located here:

   templateDir: "../templates"

but if you are working with an existing publication, then you will need to set this property to point to a folder containing the publication's templates.


Add this and set it to true:

devmode: true

(Doing this ensures that links in the publication will work in your local set-up.)


Leave this set to:

browserSyncUrl: http://localhost:3000

When this parameter is set, the Waiter is automatically updated with any changes you make to


Make sure that this is set to point to a writeable location. For example:

log-file: "../log/waiter.log"