Starting the CUE Front Design Tools

To start only the CUE Front components needed by designers, enter:

docker-compose up -d browsersync waiter styles styleguide rsync

A sequence of output messages is displayed as the various Docker containers are created and the CUE Front services are started:

Creating network "cuefrontstartpack11012_default" with the default driver
Creating cuefrontstartpack11012_rsync_1
Creating cuefrontstartpack11012_fridge_1
Creating cuefrontstartpack11012_cleaver_1
Creating cuefrontstartpack11012_styles_1
Creating cuefrontstartpack11012_browsersync_1
Creating cuefrontstartpack11012_styleguide_1
Creating cuefrontstartpack11012_cook_1
Creating cuefrontstartpack11012_waiter_1

If you get problems at this point, the most likely reasons are:

  • You entered the docker-compose up command in the wrong folder. You must be in the cue-front root folder when you enter any docker-compose command (the folder that contains the docker-compose.yml file).

  • There are syntax errors in one of the configuration files you edited. The YAML format used in the configuration files is very sensitive to white space errors - if you indent parameters too much or too little, it can cause errors.

In both cases, docker-compose will output error messages explaining the problem. In the case of syntax error messages, note that the line numbers in the error messages do not include comment lines.

Assuming all went well, start a browser — you should be able to find the services listed below. When entering the URLs, you need to replace cue-front-host with:

  • localhost on Ubuntu

  • The IP address of the Docker virtual machine (, for example) on Windows or Mac

The demo publication

At http://cue-front-host:8100/ you should find the front page of the demo publication.


At http://cue-front-host:8103/ you should find the Patternlab style guide. You can use this to explore all the design components from which the demo publication is built. For more about this, see Working With Twig and Patternlab.

See Managing the CUE Front Containers for information on how to stop the CUE Front services you have started.