The Setup Tool

The CUE Front setup tool is intended to simplify the configuration of the CUE Front components. Currently, setup only supports Docker-based installations. setup is a command line tool that runs in a Docker container.

If you don't use setup, then configuring CUE Front involves editing a number of different configuration files. In some cases, the same value must be specified in several places, both within the same file and in different files. It is relatively easy to make mistakes during this process. setup simplifies this task by issuing a series of prompts and using your responses to generate all these files. The tool carries out this task in three different phases:


Prompt for values, create a configuration set folder and save the responses in a blueprint.yaml file in the folder (cue-front/setup/configs/configuration-name/blueprint.yaml, for example).


Generate a set of configuration files from blueprint.yaml and save them together with blueprint.yaml in the configuration folder.


Copy docker-config.yml file from the configuration folder to the cue-front root folder, available for use the next time CUE Front is started, and verify the contents (by checking for, example, that specified URLs exist). By default, the copied file is renamed to docker-configuration-name.yml, so the cue-front root folder can contain many such files, allowing you to easily switch between configurations by specifying a different configuration file with the startup command.

setup has three corresponding subcommands that execute these phases:


Executes the add, generate and use phases for a named configuration set.


Executes the generate and use phases for a named configuration set.


Executes the use phase for a named configuration set. This command also has a -d option, which you can use to make set the specified configuration as the default.

In addition to add, generate and use, setup has the following subcommands:


Lists the names of all available configuration sets.


Checks the YAML syntax of the current configuration set.


Verifies that the Escenic download credentials required by CUE Front are available.


Displays a short help message listing setup's subcommands.

The setup command must always be run in the cue-front folder.