Searching for Content

Video: searching for content in CUE

You've already seen in Finding and Opening Content how you can use the search field at the top of the CUE home page to find content items you are interested in. Sometimes, however, simple text string searches aren't enough to find what you want. CUE therefore also includes a powerful set of filters that you can use to narrow your search.

To display the search filters, click on the graphics/filter-button.png button at the right-hand end of the search field:


You can now narrow down your results using up to six different criteria in addition to a search string: document type, document state, creation date, author, section (that is, the publication section content belongs to) and tags. The first three criteria are drop-down selections, and you can only choose one of the available options: if you select the "Story" document type, then you can't choose "Picture" as well. Author is also a single choice criterion: if you select one author label, then all the other options disappear. Sections and Tags, however are multiple choice criteria: if you pick several section labels, then the results will be narrowed down to include only documents that belong to all of the selected sections. Similarly, if you pick several tags, then the results will be narrowed down to include only documents that have all the selected tags.

Note how every selection you can make is followed by a number – this is the number of results that match all the criteria you have already specified plus that particular selection. This makes it easy to see how you can best narrow down the search results.

By default, CUE shows a small amount of content and some information about each document in the results list. If you want a more compact list, click on the graphics/list-style-button.png button at the top right to display titles only. Click a second time to expand the list again.

You don't have to go back to the CUE home page to search for content: document tabs have a side bar search function. To open the search side bar, click on the graphics/search-button.png button on the left side of the document tab. The search side bar contains all the same search and filtering functions as the home page. You can drag the side bar out across the page in order to make more space to work if necessary.