Facebook Authentication

If the relevant back-end system(s) have been set up to support Facebook Authentication, then you can configure CUE support by adding a YAML configuration file to the CUE configuration folder (/etc/escenic/cue-web-2.2). The file must contain the following settings:

  name: "Facebook"
  label: "Log in with Facebook account"
  authURI: "https://graph.facebook.com/oauth/authorize"
  scope: "email"
  clientId: "facebook-client-id"

where facebook-client-id is the the web client ID you created when configuring access to the back-end system(s) (see Configure OAuth Authentication).

When setting up Facebook authentication for the Content Engine, you create two client IDs – one for desktop clients and one for web clients. Make sure that you use the web client ID for configuring CUE.

When you have saved this file, enter (as the root user):

# dpkg-reconfigure cue-web-2.2

This reconfigures CUE with the changes you have made. The CUE login page will now include a Log in with Facebook account option.