Installing and Configuring Plug-ins

CUE's capabilities can be extended by installing plug-ins. CUE plug-ins fall into three categories:

  • Base plug-ins supplied by Escenic that provide self-contained functional extensions. These plug-ins have no dependencies other than CUE itself and freely available system components such as the nodeJS engine. All the information you need to install and configure base plug-ins is here. The following base plug-ins are currently available:


    This plug-in adds content duplication functions to the home page Search and Latest Opened panels in CUE and to the Search side panel After installing the plug-in, the context menu displayed by right-clicking or long-pressing a content item in these panels will contain two new options, Duplicate and Duplicate as. These options allow you to quickly make copies of content items.

    Base plug-in packages follow CUE version numbering: you should only install base plug-ins that have the same version number as CUE.

  • Escenic plug-in extensions supplied by Escenic. These CUE plug-ins are dependent on Escenic plug-ins. The information you need to install and configure these plug-ins is provided in the relevant Escenic plug-in guide. There is no point installing one of these plug-ins unless you also install the related Escenic plug-in. The following plug-ins are of this type:


    Depends on CUE Live.


    Depends on the Escenic Menu Editor plug-in.


    Depends the Escenic Video plug-in.

    These plug-ins follow the version numbering of the Escenic plug-in they belong to. You should only install CUE plug-ins with version numbers that match the Escenic plug-in to which they belong.

  • Third-party plug-ins that are not made by Escenic. These plug-ins may or may not have dependencies other than CUE itself. The information you need to install and configure these plug-ins must be provided by the plug-in supplier.

In general, CUE plug-ins are installed in the same way as CUE itself, using apt-get install, and can either be installed together with CUE, or at any time later. To install the cue-content-duplication-enrichment-service plug-in together with CUE, for example, you would do as follows:

# apt-get update
# apt-get install cue-web-2.3 cue-content-duplication-enrichment-service-2.3

To install it on its own after the installation of CUE, you would only need to enter:

# apt-get update
# apt-get install cue-content-duplication-enrichment-service-2.3

You can also install all currently available base publications together with CUE by entering:

# apt-get update
# apt-get -o APT::Install-Suggests="true" install cue-web-2.3

Currently, cue-content-duplication-enrichment-service is the only available base plug-in.

For additional instructions regarding the installation of the cue-content-duplication-enrichment-service plug-in, see cue-content-duplication-enrichment-service.