Using The DC-X Wire Integration

The DC-X wire integration makes it possible to use DC-X as a source of wire stories for use in Escenic publications. Wire stories managed by DC-X can be browsed and searched from CUE, and selected for use in Escenic publications. Selected wire stories are imported into CUE and can then be edited and published to multiple channels in the normal way.

If CUE and Escenic Zipline have been configured to support the use of DC-X wires, then you will see a button for a DC-X Wires panel on the left side of the CUE window:


When expanded, the DC-X Wires panel looks and behaves like the main CUE search panel with the following differences:

  • It offers access to wire stories in DC-X, rather than ordinary CUE content

  • The search and filtering options reflect the search and filtering functionality provided by DC-X

You can access a listed wire story in three different ways:

  • Double-click to open it in DC-X

  • Press the space bar to display a quick view of the story in CUE

  • Right click to display the context menu and select Use Wire to import the story into CUE.

Selecting Use Wire usually displays the following dialog, which you can use to choose exactly how and where the story is to be used:


Using this dialog you can specify which publication the wire story is to be used in, the section in which it is to appear, and the container and content type that it is to be imported into. The values available for each of these options are determined by the configuration settings specified in the dcx-converters/wire/target section of the Escenic Zipline configuration file (see Wire Stories Configuration).

The Use Wire Service dialog shown above is only displayed if it is actually needed (that is, if there are actual choices to be made). If the configuration in the dcx-converters/wire/target section of the Escenic Zipline configuration file only specifies one publication, container type, content type and section, then it will not be displayed and the wire story will be imported to the configured destination immediately. Note also that the Publication option in the dialog will be automatically set to your default publication if possible (that is, of you have specified a default publication in your personal preferences and if that publication is one of the publications specified in the Escenic Zipline wire service configuration).

Any binary resources such as images or videos that are referenced in the wire story are imported along with it as related content.

Once a wire story has been imported it can be used in exactly the same way as any other CUE content item.