Autosave and Recovery

CUE incorporates an autosave function for content, to ensure that you will not lose work in the event of a browser crash. CUE content editors automatically save your work at regular intervals (every three seconds by default). If the browser crashes while you are working on a content item, then when you restart CUE and reopen the content item you were working on, a prompt like this is displayed:


If you select Recover then the autosaved copy is loaded into the content editor, and you can continue editing from (almost) where you were interrupted. If you select Discard, then the last version you saved yourself is loaded into the content editor, and all subsequent editing is discarded.

The autosave function works in the same way for both classic (rich text-based) content and storyline content.

Autosaved changes are saved on your computer or mobile device, not the CUE server. This means the recovery function will only work if you restart CUE on the device where the crash occurred.