Enabling Moderation of Your Content

To select what content is to be moderated:

  1. Download your publication's content-type resource. You can do this either using the escenic-admin web application, or using a command line tool such as wget. For a publication called mysite, for example, you could do this as follows:

    $ wget http://host:port/escenic-admin/publication-resources/mysite/escenic/content-type
  2. Open the content-type resource in an editor of your choice.

  3. Add a com.escenic.community.dashboard.moderate parameter and a dashboard-moderator-fields field group reference to each content type you wish to be moderated. For example:

    <content-type name="my-content-type-that-we-want-to-moderate">
      <parameter name="com.escenic.community.dashboard.moderate" value="true"/>
      <panel ..>
        <ref-field-group name="dashboard-moderator-fields"/>
  4. Add the com.escenic.community.dashboard.showField parameter to each field definition you wish to be shown in Dashboard. For example:

    <field mime-type="text/plain" type="basic" name="my-field-name">
      <parameter name="com.escenic.community.dashboard.showField" value="true"/>

    Note that, title fields are always visible and editable in Dashboard.

  5. Define the dashboard-moderator-fields group as follows:

    <field-group name="dashboard-moderator-fields">
      <field name="moderation-state" type="enumeration">
        <ui:label>Moderator Status</ui:label>
        <enumeration value="approved"/>
        <enumeration value="not-reviewed"/>
        <enumeration value="pending"/>
        <enumeration value="rejected"/>
        <enumeration value="reviewed"/>
  6. POST the updated content-type resource back to its correct location. You can either do this using escenic-admin, or as follows using wget:

    $ wget --post-file=content-type \
          -S \
          -O - \