Installing Dashboard

Installing Dashboard involves the following steps:

  1. Log in as escenic on your assembly-host.

  2. Download the Dashboard distribution from the Escenic Technet web site ( If you have a multi-host installation with shared folders as described in the Escenic Content Engine Installation Guide, then it is a good idea to download the distribution to your shared /mnt/download folder:

    $ cd /mnt/download
    $ wget

    Otherwise, download it to some temporary location of your choice.

  3. If the folder /opt/escenic/plugins does not already exist, create it:

    $ mkdir /opt/escenic/plugins
  4. Unpack the Dasboard distribution file:

    $ cd /opt/escenic/plugins
    $ unzip /mnt/download/

    This will result in the creation of an /opt/escenic/plugins/dashboard-<version> folder.

  5. Log in as escenic on your assembly-host.

  6. The first time you re-assemble your EAR with the Dashboard include, you need to create a dashboard publication resource for the Assembly Tool to use. Typically, this would mean:

    $ vi /opt/escenic/assemblytool/publications/

    In this file you enter

    name: dashboard
    source-war: /opt/escenic/plugins/dashboard-
    context-root: dashboard

    The Assembly Tool can now build your dashboard alongside the other web applications.

  7. Run the ece script to re-assemble your Content Engine applications

    $ ece assemble

    This generates an EAR file (/var/cache/escenic/engine.ear) that you can deploy on all your engine-hosts.

  8. If you have a single-host installation, then skip this step.

    On each engine-host, copy /var/cache/escenic/engine.ear from the assembly-host. If you have installed an SSH server on the assembly-host and SSH clients on your engine-hosts, then you can do this as follows:

    $ scp -r escenic@assembly-host-ip-address:/var/cache/escenic/engine.ear /var/cache/escenic/

    where assembly-host-ip-address is the host name or IP address of your assembly-host.

  9. On each engine-host, deploy the EAR file and restart the Content Engine by entering:

    $ ece deploy
    $ ece restart
  10. The last thing needed for installing Dashboard, is to create a publication that matches the dashboad web application you assembled above.

    Go to the escenic-admin web application and select New pubs.

  11. Then choose the dashboard/wars/dashboard-webapp- as the publication resource. escenic-admin should find all the resources it needs for the dashboard.

  12. Choose a name for the dashboard web app, we recommend simply using dashboard as the name. The name must be same as the one you choosed for the dashboard publication before assembling the EAR file.

You should now have a successfully installed Dasbhoard. Continue reading the next section on how to verify your installation.