Packaging Decorators

A decorator class and all the properties files that configure it must be correctly packaged in a JAR file before you can deploy it. To package it you must:

  1. Copy the files into a folder structure that matches:

    • The package name of your decorator class

    • the package naming conventions required by the Content Engine's plugin architecture

  2. Pack it in a JAR file using an archiving utility that is capable of creating JAR files.

Article decorator package structure

For the article decorator example shown earlier, you would need to create a JAR file with the following structure:

| +-servlet
|   +-plugin-config
|     +-neo
|     | +-xredsys
|     |   +-presentation
|     |
|     +-com
|       +-mycompany
Generic pool decorator package structure

For the generic pool decorator example shown earlier, you would need to create a JAR file with the following structure:

| +-servlet
|   +-plugin-config
|     +-neo
|     | +-xredsys
|     |   +-presentation
|     |
|     +-com
|       +-mycompany
Request pool decorator package structure

For the request pool decorator example shown earlier, you would need to create a JAR file with the following structure:

| +-request
|   +-plugin-config
|     +-neo
|     | +-xredsys
|     |   +-presentation
|     |
|     +-com
|       +-mycompany