Content Engine Proxy Services

The Content Engine can provide Content Studio and other Content Engine clients with proxied access to specified resources outside the Content Engine's own domain. Such a proxy service can manipulate HTTP requests before they are forwarded to the target host. The service can, for example:

  • Remove header fields

  • Add header fields

  • Modify the request body

Using such proxy services provides centralized control over access to external resources and has a number of advantages:

  • It simplifies firewall configuration, since Content Studio and other Content Engine clients can always access the Content Engine web service. You then only need to make sure that the Content Engine itself has access to the external resources.

  • You can ensure that any sensitive information such as domain credentials are removed from requests before they are forwarded.

  • You can insert any authentication credentials that may be required by target hosts before requests are forwarded.

A proxy service is defined by associating a service name with a URL. The service is then accessible to Content Studio or any other Content Engine web service client at a local URL formed by appending the service name to the URL http://content-engine-domain/webservice/escenic/proxy/. If, for example, you define a proxy service with the name escenic that points to, then:

  • A request sent to http://content-engine-domain/webservice/escenic/proxy/escenic will return

  • A request sent to http://content-engine-domain/webservice/escenic/proxy/escenic/solutions will return

A content engine proxy service is intended to provide centrally controlled access to external resources, not to support browser-like activity. So, for example, following a link in an HTML resource accessed via a proxy service would result in a direct, unproxied request being sent.