Editing Images

If you open an image content item, you will notice that the content editor in which it is displayed looks quite different from a "standard" text-only content editor. The main differences fall into three categories:

The field containing the image

This field is different in several ways from a standard text-based field:

  • It always comes first, before all other fields.

  • It has no label.

  • Since it contains the image, it is usually quite a bit larger than most other fields.

  • It occupies the full width of the content editor tab - any relation drop zones in the content item are shown below the image field alongside any other fields in the content item.

  • There is a ribbon of display controls below the image.

For further information about image fields, see Using The Display Controls.

The Image edit controls ribbon

An image content editor always has an extra ribbon at the top of the editor, called Image edit controls. This ribbon, as its name suggests, contains various controls that you can use to edit the image.

For further information about the image edit controls, see Using The Edit Controls.

An "image versions" field panel

Depending on how your publication is structured, image content items may have a field panel called something like "versions", "image versions" or "alternatives" that contains alternative, cropped versions of the main image. If your image cntent item has such a panel, you can use it to modify the alternative images shown there.

For further information about image version field panels, see Alternative Image Versions.