Inserting In-line Images

Images and other binary items such as video clips are most often placed in content items by dropping them on content item relations in the related content area (see Related Content Area). This method is generally used for placing images in standard locations such as immediately after a headline. Sometimes, however, you want to insert images at arbitrary locations within a content item. To do this you simply drag the image or object over a rich text field and drop it at the required location in the text.

You can then modify various properties of the dropped image by right-clicking on it and selecting Properties... from the displayed menu. An Inline object properties dialog is displayed.

The properties you can set are:


The image title.


The image caption.


The image URL.


The image's alternative text (for accessibility).

Mouseover text

The text to be displayed when the mouse pointer is held over the image.


How you would like the image to be aligned relative to the text.

This property may not be available in all content types: whether or not you are allowed to set in-line image alignment in a particular content type is determined by your publication designer.

Width / Height

You can scale the image up or down by simply modifying the width value: the height will then be set accordingly. If you want to specify its height rather than its width you can clear the width value and specify the height: the width will then be set accordingly. You can if you wish specify both width and height, but unless the values you specify match the actual aspect ratio of the image, the image will be distorted.

Note that changing these properties is not guaranteed to affect how images appear in your publication, since the templates created by your publication designers may not make use of them. If in doubt, use Content Studio's preview function (see Preview) to verify the results of your changes.