Merging Tags

You may want to merge tags if you find several tags in your hierarchy that you regard as having the same meaning. You might, for example, want to merge "St. Petersburg" and "Leningrad". You can merge any number of tags, and when you do so, you have to choose which one of them they are are all to be merged into. The merged tags then become aliases of the survivor. If, for example, you chose to merge "Leningrad" into "St. Petersburg", then the "Leningrad" tag would disappear from your hierarchy but be added as an alias of "St. Petersburg".

All the children of the merged tags become children of the survivor. Any merged tags that are in use in content items are replaced by the tag into which they have been merged.

Tags cannot be merged if they contain any duplicate tag names in their subtrees.

To merge tags:

  1. Select one or more of the tags you want to merge. (Hold down the Shift key to select multiple tags.)

  2. Click on the Merge button. The Merge tags dialog is then displayed:

  3. You can add further tags to the Merge tags list by typing in the text field and selecting tags from the options that are then displayed. You can remove tags from the list by clicking on the graphics/delete-button.png buttons next to the tag names.

  4. When you are satisfied with the Merge tags list, choose a tag from the Merge into list. In the example described above, you would choose "St. Petersburg" so that "Leningrad" is removed from the tag hierarchy and becomes just an alias for "St Petersburg".

  5. Click Merge.