Sections Panel

The Sections panel gives you access to the sections of a publication and to the components of each section (inboxes, section pages and lists).

At the top of the Sections panel is the section tree view. This contains all the sections of the publication in an expandable tree view. Below this are the section component tabs: Inboxes, Pages and Lists.

To select a section, click on its name in the section tree view. To display that section's section pages, click on Pages. To display its lists, click on Lists. To display its inboxes, click on Inboxes.

If your publications are designed using the Widget Framework then the section tree will contain Widget Framework templates or config sections as well as ordinary sections. It is very likely that you will not have access to these sections - they will only be accessible to the designers responsible for the layout of your publications. If you do have access, you should not modify them unless you know what you are doing. For information about the Widget Framework, see the widget framework documentationwidget framework documentation.