Alternative Start-up Procedures

At some installations, you may be required to follow an alternative start-up procedure. Instead of clicking on Start, click on Alternative login. The start page is then expanded to display the following options:


Select the options you require or have been instructed to select and then press the Start button as before:


This sets the language used in the Content Studio user interface.

Login type

The Google option lets you log in using your Google username and password. Only select this option if you have been told to do so (it will only work if the Content Engine has been set up to use Google authentication by your system manager).


Webstart and Getdown are two different systems for downloading and running Content Studio. You should select the option recommended by your system manager.

If you select the GetDown launcher, then you may notice that a new folder appears in your "home" folder, called You should leave this folder alone and not delete it, otherwise the Content Studio icon on your desktop won't work. Should this actually happen to you, just start your browser, revisit the Content Studio startup page, select the same options again and press Start.