1 (function() {
  2 /**
  3  * <code>notifier</code> is something that must be accessed via a <code>require()</code>.
  4  * It provides the <code>notify()</code> method.
  5  * @namespace The notifier namespace provides a single function, namely <code>notify</code>
  6  * which can provide notification pop-ups to the user.
  7  * <p>
  8  * To access this namespace, call <code>require('notifier')</code>.
  9  * @name notifier
 10  * @example
 11  *  var n = require("notifier");
 12  */
 14 var notifier;
 16 })();
 19 Require['notifier'] = {
 20   /**
 21    * Shows a pop-up notification in Content Studio.  The notification will appear in a way
 22    * that does not interfere with Content Studio's
 23    * @function
 24    * @name notify
 25    * @memberOf notifier
 26    * @param {String} message The text to provide in the pop-up, required.
 27    * @param {Number} [duration=3000 (3 seconds)] The length of time (in milliseconds) to show the pop-up
 28    * @param {Function} [callback] A function that will be invoked after the notification has
 29    * completed, and has been removed from the screen.
 30    * @example
 31    * n.notify("Hello, World");
 32    * n.notify("Something important just happened", function() {
 33    *   n.notify("No, just kidding");
 34    * });
 35    */
 36   notify : function(message, duration, callback) {
 37     var args, _message, _duration, _callback;
 38     if (typeof(message) === 'string') {
 39       _message = message;
 40       if (typeof(duration) === 'number') {
 41         _duration = duration;
 42         if (typeof(callback) === 'function') {
 43           _callback = callback;
 44         }
 45       }
 46       else if (typeof(duration) === 'function' && callback === undefined) {
 47         _callback = duration;
 48       }
 49     }
 50     else if (typeof(message) === 'object') {
 51       args = message
 52       _message = args['message'] == undefined ? null : args['message'];
 53       _duration = args['duration'] == undefined ? null : parseInt(args['duration']);
 54       _callback = args['callback'] == undefined ? null : args['callback'];
 55     }
 56     var javaCallback = _callback == null ? null : new com.escenic.studio.core.notification.Notification.Callback({
 57       'dismissed': function() {
 58         _callback();
 59       }
 60     });
 61     var notification;
 62     if (_duration == null && _callback == null) {
 63       notification = new com.escenic.studio.core.script.notifier.ScriptNotification(_message);
 64     }
 65     else if (javaCallback == null) {
 66       notification = new com.escenic.studio.core.script.notifier.ScriptNotification(_message, _duration);
 67     }
 68     else if (_duration == null) {
 69       notification = new com.escenic.studio.core.script.notifier.ScriptNotification(_message, javaCallback);
 70     }
 71     else {
 72       notification = new com.escenic.studio.core.script.notifier.ScriptNotification(_message, _duration, javaCallback);
 73     }
 74     javaNotifier.notify(notification);
 75   }
 76 };