1 var setTimeout,
  2     clearTimeout,
  3     setInterval,
  4     clearInterval;
  6 (function () {
  7   var counter = 1;
  8   var ids = {};
  9   /**
 10    * Executes a function after a specified delay.
 11    * The fn is a function to be executed after <code>delay</code> milliseconds.
 12    * The function will be executed only once after the specified delay.
 13    *
 14    * @param {Function} fn the function to be executed at some point in the future.
 15    * @param {int} [delay=0] the number of milliseconds (thousandths of a second)
 16    * that the function call should be delayed by. Default value for <code>delay</code> is 0
 17    * @returns An object representing the task to be executed, which can be used later with <code>clearTimeout</code>.
 18    */
 19   setTimeout = function (fn, delay) {
 20     var timerDelay = delay || 0;
 21     var id = counter++;
 22     var args = [];
 23     for (var i = 2; i < arguments.length; i++) {
 24       args.push(arguments[i]);
 25     }
 26     var timer = new javax.swing.Timer(timerDelay, new java.awt.event.ActionListener({
 27       'actionPerformed':function() {
 28         fn.apply(this, args);
 29       }
 30     }));
 31     timer.setRepeats(false);
 32     timer.start();
 33     ids[id] = timer;
 34     return id;
 35   };
 37   /**
 38    * Clears the delay set to a function by <code>setTimeout</code>.
 39    * @param id - is the ID of the timeout that need to be clear, returned by the <code>setTimeout</code>.
 40    */
 41   clearTimeout = function (id) {
 42     if(ids.hasOwnProperty(id)) {
 43       ids[id].stop();
 44       delete ids[id];
 45     }
 46   };
 48   /**
 49    * Executes a function repeatedly, with fixed delay between each call of the function.
 50    * The fn is a function to be executed after <code>delay</code> milliseconds.
 51    * The function will be executed repeatedly after the specified delay.
 52    *
 53    * @param {Function} fn the function to be executed periodically
 54    * @param {int} [delay=0] the number of milliseconds (thousandths of a second)
 55    * that the function call should be delayed by. Default value for <code>delay</code> is 0
 56    * @returns An object representing the task to be executed, which can be used later with <code>clearInterval</code>.
 57    */
 58   setInterval = function (fn, delay) {
 59     var timerDelay = delay || 0;
 60     var id = counter++;
 61     var args = [];
 62     for (var i = 2; i < arguments.length; i++) {
 63       args.push(arguments[i]);
 64     }
 65     var timer = new javax.swing.Timer(timerDelay, new java.awt.event.ActionListener({
 66       'actionPerformed':function() {
 67         fn.apply(this, args);
 68       }
 69     }));
 70     timer.start();
 71     ids[id] = timer;
 72     return id;
 73   };
 74   /**
 75    * Clears the execution delay of a function set by  <code>setInterval</code>.
 76    * @function
 77    * @param id - is the ID of the interval that need to be clear, returned by the <code>setInterval</code>.
 78    */
 79   clearInterval = clearTimeout;
 81 })();
 83 /**
 84  * var foo = function foo(arg1,arg2){
 85  if(arg1){
 86  console.log("timeout with argument1"+arg1);
 87  }else{
 88  console.log("timeout with argument1"+arg1);
 89  }
 90  if(arg2){
 91  console.log("timeout with argument2"+arg2);
 92  }else{
 93  console.log("timeout with argument2"+arg2);
 94  }
 95  };
 97  var timeoutId = setTimeout(foo,3000,true,false);
 98  var intervalId = setInterval(foo,5000,false,true,true);
 99  clearTimeout(timeoutId);
100  clearInterval(intervalId);
101  */