1 /**
  2  * The 'field-editor' namespace
  3  * @namespace
  4  * The field-editor namespace provides an field-editor instance to manipulate
  5  * the value and model of a field in Content Studio. The field-editor instance
  6  * itself is an <code>EventEmitter</code> which emits event when the field value is changed.
  7  * It also provides functionality to create a modal popup with some url specified by the user.
  8  * @name field-editor
  9  * @example
 10  * window.onload = function (){
 11  *   var editor = require("field-editor");
 12  * };
 13  */
 15 function Editor() {
 16   EventEmitter.call(this);
 17   /**
 18    * The <code>value-changed</code> event is fired whenever the <code>value</code>
 19    * of the particular field is changed. This event means that the Content Studio field
 20    * value is changed.
 21    * <p>
 22    * The event is passed with an object of <code>String</code> type, which is the string representation
 23    * of the Content Studio field value.
 24    * @event
 25    * @name field-editor-value-changed
 26    * @memberOf field-editor
 27    * @param {String} value the string representation of the value of a field  .
 28    * @example
 29    * editor.on("value-changed", function (value) {
 30    *   document.getElementById("value").value = value;
 31    * });
 32    */
 34   //This instance variable is used only for documentation purpose
 35   //Please do not delete it.
 37   /**
 38    * The model of the content in VDF format.
 39    *
 40    * @memberOf field-editor
 41    * @type {String}
 42    * @example
 43    * var model = editor.model
 44    */
 45   this.model = "";
 46   //This instance variable is used only for documentation purpose
 47   //Please do not delete it.
 49   /**
 50    * The value of the field.
 51    * @memberOf field-editor
 52    * @type {String}
 53    * @example
 54    * The value can be set like below:
 55    * editor.value = document.getElementById("value").value;
 56    */
 57   this.value = "";
 59   this.initEditor = function (javaFieldEditor) {
 60     this.javaFieldEditor = javaFieldEditor;
 61   };
 64   this.__defineGetter__("model", function () {
 65     return this.javaFieldEditor.getModel();
 66   });
 68   this.__defineGetter__("value", function () {
 69     return this.javaFieldEditor.getValue();
 70   });
 72   this.__defineSetter__("value", function (value) {
 73     this.javaFieldEditor.setValue(value);
 74   });
 76   this.__defineGetter__("showing", function () {
 77     return this.javaFieldEditor.isShowing();
 78   });
 80   /**
 81    * Shows a modal popup with the given <code>uri</code>.
 82    * @param {String} pUri the uri which content will be shown in the modal popup.
 83    * @param {Object} pData initial data for the popup.
 84    * @memberOf field-editor
 85    * @function
 86    * @name createPopup
 87    * @example
 88    * var handle = editor.createPopup("./dialog.html", initial-value);
 89    *
 90    * This handle is an <code>EventEmitter</code> which can emit event for it's certain property change. We can listen to
 91    * the property change event in the field editor like below:
 92    *
 93    * handle = editor.createDialog("./dialog.html");
 94    * handle.on("popup-value-changed", function (value) {
 95    *    document.getElementById("value").value = value;
 96    * });
 97    * handle.show();
 98    */
 99   this.createPopup = function (pUri, pData) {
100     if (arguments.length < 1 || typeof pData == 'undefined') {
101       pData = null;
102     }
103     var jsPopupHandler = new PopupHandler(pData);
104     var javaPopupHandler = this.javaFieldEditor.createPopup(pUri, jsPopupHandler);
105     jsPopupHandler.setHandler(javaPopupHandler);
106     return jsPopupHandler;
107   };
108 }
109 function heir(p) {
110   /** @ignore */
111   function F() {
112   }
114   F.prototype = p;
115   return new F();
116 }
118 Editor.prototype = heir(EventEmitter.prototype);
120 // set the constructor to the subclass prototype
121 Editor.prototype.constructor = Editor;
123 var fieldEditor = require('field-editor');
124 if (fieldEditor == undefined || fieldEditor == null) {
125   Require['field-editor'] = new Editor();
126 }