Accessing Field Editors

The EditorControl object passed into an event listener by the editor-active event (see Handling Events) allows you to access any content item field editor it contains. You can retrieve the value of any field displayed in the editor, and you can also set the value of any field (unless it has been defined as read-only). You can do this both for content item editors and section page editors.

The EditorControl object provides both getValue() and setValue() methods for accessing fields and an isReadOnly() method for checking the read-only status of fields. All of them have a path parameter used to identify the required field. To access a field in a content item editor path is simply the name of the field. For example:

title = editorcontrol.getValue('title');

To access the same field belonging to a content item teaser on a section page, however, requires a more complex path. If the content item is in a top-level area belonging to the root group, then the path has the following form:



  • area is the name of the top level area containing the content item

  • index is the position of the content item in the area (starting from 0)

  • field is the name of the content item field

For example:

title = editorcontrol.getValue('com.escenic.indexPage/contentArea/3/title');

If the content item is in a subarea, then you drill down to it by repeating area and index (group names are not used). For example:

title = editorcontrol.getValue('com.escenic.indexPage/contentArea/0/main-area/3/title');

For more information, see EditorControl.