Log Output

You can output messages to the Content Studio log file from side panel UI components. The following example shows the HTML for a side panel component that is very similar to the "Hello world" example in Creating Browser UIs, but instead of displaying a message dialog, it sends a message to the Content Studio log file:

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>Log test</title>
    <script type="text/javascript">
   function log(message) {
  if (window.studioConsole) {
    // when running in Content Studio use this
  else {
    // when running in a browser use this
    <input type="button" value="Print Log" onclick="log('This is a test message from Javascript')" />

As with the example in Creating Browser UIs, you can load this HTML into a Content Studio side panel as follows (assuming it is stored as test-log.html on your local machine, and is served by a web server):

var cs = require('content-studio');
var mypanel = 'http://example.com/studio/sidepanel/test-log';
var browserui;

cs.on('panel-init', function(panelcontrol) {
  if (panelcontrol.uri == mypanel) {
    browserui = panelcontrol.show('browser');

cs.createPanel(mypanel, '&Test log', 'shift F10');
browserui.uri = "http://localhost:8080/test-log.html";

Note that the logging code in test-log.html does not need to be executed via scriptExecutor.executeScript().

You will find the Content Studio log file in a subfolder of your PC's TEMP folder called com.escenic.studio/log. The file itself is called Studion.log.

The messages output to the Content Studio log file are information messages, so they will only actually be logged if your logging configuration is set up correctly. To enable logging of these messages, hold down the Ctrl key, select View > Debug > Logging Configuration from the Content Studio main menu and set the logging level to INFO.