Create Shared File System

If you are installing everything on a single host, you can skip this section.

If you are installing the Content Engine on multiple hosts then it is usually a good idea to create some shared folders that can be accessed from all the hosts. If your engine-host is not the same machine as your web-host, then it is more or less a requirement, since the Content Engine creates and modifies multimedia files that need to be accessed by the web server. (If you cannot create shared folders for some reason, then you need to find some other means of synchronizing files between the hosts.)

Shared folders can also be useful for other reasons, such as access to downloads or shared configuration files, and these instructions assume that you will use shared folders for these purposes.

The following instructions show how to set up three shared folders: ece-conf, multimedia and download.

On your nfs-host, while logged in as root:

  1. Download and install the NFS server software. For example, on a Debian-based Linux distribution:

    # apt-get install nfs-kernel-server
  2. Create the folders to be shared and set escenic as their owner:

    # mkdir -p /exports/ece-conf
    # mkdir -p /exports/multimedia
    # mkdir -p /exports/download
    # chown escenic:escenic /exports/ece-conf /exports/multimedia /exports/download
  3. Open the NFS exports file /etc/exports and add an entry for each folder that you want to share:

    /exports/ece-conf   subnet-specification(rw,sync)
    /exports/multimedia subnet-specification(rw,sync)
    /exports/download   subnet-specification(rw,sync)

    where subnet-specification identifies the IP address range within which the shared folders are to be accessible. If, for example, all your hosts have IP addresses in the 192.168.71.nnn subnet, then you might enter the subnet specification

  4. Restart all NFS-related services:

    # /etc/init.d/portmap restart
    # /etc/init.d/nfs-kernel-server restart
    # /etc/init.d/nfs-common restart
  5. Create symbolic links to the shared folders as follows:

    # ln -s /exports/ece-conf /mnt/ece-conf
    # ln -s /exports/multimedia /mnt/multimedia
    # ln -s /exports/download /mnt/download

    This ensures that the shared folders will be accessible via the same paths on your nfs-host as on all the other hosts.

  6. Change the owner of the links to escenic:

    # chown escenic:escenic /mnt/ece-conf
    # chown escenic:escenic /mnt/multimedia
    # chown escenic:escenic /mnt/download

On all your other hosts, while logged in as root:

  1. Download and install the NFS client software. For example, on a Debian-based Linux distribution:

    # apt-get install nfs-common
  2. Create mount points for the shared folders:

    # mkdir /mnt/ece-conf
    # mkdir /mnt/multimedia
    # mkdir /mnt/download
  3. Open /etc/fstab and add an entry for each shared folder:

    nfs-host:/exports/ece-conf /mnt/ece-conf nfs defaults 0 0
    nfs-host:/exports/multimedia /mnt/multimedia nfs defaults 0 0
    nfs-host:/exports/download /mnt/download nfs defaults 0 0

    where nfs-host is the host name or IP address of your nfs-host.

  4. Mount the shared folders:

    # mount -a