Install a Daemon Script

The following instructions tell you how to install a daemon script that will automatically run the Content Engine on start-up. It won't work properly yet since the Content Engine itself is not yet deployed. You should nevertheless install it now because the script also creates a number of folders that you will need later on in the installation process.

Log in as root on your assembly-host and on each of your engine-hosts and do the following:

  1. Copy the daemon script ece to /etc/init.d/, and the script's default settings (ece.defaults) to a file called ece in the /etc/default folder. On the assembly-host you can do this as follows:

    # cp /opt/escenic/engine/contrib/init.d/ece /etc/init.d/
    # cp /opt/escenic/engine/contrib/init.d/ece.defaults /etc/default/ece

    On the engine-hosts, however, you will have to copy the files from the assembly-host. If you have installed an SSH server on the assembly-host and SSH clients on your engine-hosts, then you can do it as follows:

    # scp escenic@assembly-host-ip-address:/opt/escenic/engine/contrib/init.d/ece /etc/init.d/
    # scp escenic@assembly-host-ip-address:/opt/escenic/engine/contrib/init.d/ece.defaults /etc/default/ece
  2. Make the daemon script executable:

    # chmod +x /etc/init.d/ece
  3. The next step is to run the daemon script, ece.

    If, for any reason, you do not want to install Content Engine files in standard locations, then you should open /etc/default/ece in an editor now and modify the settings to meet your requirements. You are strongly advised, however, not to do so. All instructions in this manual and the Escenic Content Engine Server Administration Guide assume files are installed in standard locations.

    Enter the following command:

    # /etc/init.d/ece

    Executing this command will result in an error because the ece daemon script tries to execute the ece startup script, which is not yet installed. You can ignore this error message. The purpose of running the script now is to create the following folders:


    The script creates these folders and assigns them to the escenic user.

  4. On your engine-hosts only, enter the following commands:

    # update-rc.d ece defaults

    This command actually installs the script as a daemon, ensuring that it will be run on system startup. Note that this command is specific to Debian-based Linux distributions: the procedure for installing daemon scripts is different on other distributions.