Copy Solr Configuration

The Solr configuration data supplied with the Content Engine installation needs to be copied to locations where it can be accessed by all the Solr instances running in your system. By default, this means that you will need a copy of the Solr configuration data in the /var/lib/escenic/solr/default folder on each of your engine hosts.

To achieve this on a single host installation, log in as escenic and enter the following commands:

$ mkdir -p /var/lib/escenic/solr/default
$ cp -r /opt/escenic/engine/solr/* /var/lib/escenic/solr/default/

On a multiple host installation, log in as escenic on your assembly host and copy the Solr configuration data to to the required destination folder on each engine host. For example, enter the following commands for each engine host:

$ ssh engine-host "mkdir -p /var/lib/escenic/solr/default"
$ scp -r /opt/escenic/engine/solr/* engine-host:/var/lib/escenic/solr/default