Create the Common Configuration Layer

The Content Engine package installed in the Unpack Content Engine Components step contains a skeleton configuration layer. This is a folder tree containing configuration files that you can use as a basis for your configurations. All the property settings in these files are commented out. To create a configuration, you copy this tree to the location specified in your bootstrap layer (e.g. /etc/escenic/engine/common) and edit the contents to set the properties you need. You will find the skeleton configuration layer located in /opt/escenic/engine/siteconfig/config-skeleton.

On your assembly-host, while logged in as escenic:

  1. Copy the skeleton configuration layer to /etc/escenic/engine/common:

    $ cp -r /opt/escenic/engine/siteconfig/config-skeleton/* /etc/escenic/engine/common/
  2. Copy the delivered security configuration files to /etc/escenic/engine/common

    $ cp -r /opt/escenic/engine/security/ /etc/escenic/engine/common/
  3. Open /etc/escenic/engine/common/ for editing, and make sure the following properties are present uncommented and set correctly for your site:


    The name of the database you are using. Currently allowed values are:

    • MySQL


    The path of the folder in which all binary files served by the Content Engine are stored (multimedia files - video, audio, images, Word documents, PDF files and so on). You should set this to:


    The path you specify must include a trailing slash.


    The URL root you want to be used for all your publications. For example The URLs of your publications are formed by appending the publication name to this string. This property is in general used only for development purposes. In production, it is often the case that each publication has its own root URL.


    The name of your organization, or some other name that will clearly identify your installation to Escenic support staff. A version reporter component is installed with the Content Engine that automatically sends a report on what versions of the Content Engine and its plug-ins are running at your site. This makes it possible for Escenic support engineers to know exactly which versions of the software you are using.

    The version reporter sends its reports to Google Analytics. In order for this to work, your firewalls must allow outgoing traffic on port 80 to

  4. Open /etc/escenic/engine/common/connector/ for editing, and make sure the following property is uncommented and set correctly:


    Must be set as follows:


    This is the name of the read database pool that you defined when installing the application server (see Install Application Server).

    Do not modify any of the other settings in this file.

  5. Open /etc/escenic/engine/common/connector/ for editing, and make sure the following property is uncommented and set correctly:


    Must be set as follows:


    This is the name of the update database pool that you defined when installing the application server (see Install Application Server).

    Do not modify any of the other settings in this file.

  6. Open /etc/escenic/engine/common/neo/io/managers/ for editing, and make sure the following properties are uncommented and set correctly:


    Must be set as follows:


    Must be set as follows:
