Install the ece Script

The ece shell script provides a set of commands for easily stopping, starting and assembling the Content Engine.

The ece shell script is not the same as the daemon script (also called ece) which you installed earlier (see Install a Daemon Script). The daemon script manages running the Content Engine as a service by automatically calling this script on system startup and shutdown.

To install the ece shell script:

On your assembly-host, while logged in as escenic:

  1. Make /opt/escenic/engine/ece-scripts/usr/bin/ece executable:

    $ chmod +x /opt/escenic/engine/ece-scripts/usr/bin/ece
  2. Open /home/escenic/.bashrc for editing, and add the following line to it in order to add /opt/escenic/engine/ece-scripts/usr/bin to your PATH:

    export PATH=/opt/escenic/engine/ece-scripts/usr/bin:$PATH
  3. Then enter the following command to apply the change you have made in your current shell:

    $ source ~/.bashrc
  4. Copy the script's configuration file to /etc/escenic/engine:

    $ cp /opt/escenic/engine/ece-scripts/etc/escenic/ece.conf /etc/escenic/

    This is the configuration file that will be read when ece is executed on the assembly-host.

  5. If you are installing everything on one host, then skip this step.

    Copy the script's configuration file to each of the host configuration folders you have made. For example:

    $ cp /opt/escenic/engine/ece-scripts/etc/escenic/ece.conf /etc/escenic/ece-editorial1.conf
    $ cp /opt/escenic/engine/ece-scripts/etc/escenic/ece.conf /etc/escenic/ece-presentation1.conf

    These are the configuration files that will be read when ece is executed on the various engine-hosts. (If your assembly-host is also an engine-host, then you do not need a copy in /etc/escenic/engine, the host-specific copy will be used.)

  6. Open the copies of ece.conf that you created in steps 4 (and possibly 5), and make sure that the parameters listed below are set correctly for your installation, and for the specific host they correspond to. If you have followed all the instructions in this guide exactly, then the following settings should work:


    Make sure that this is set to the path of the Java virtual machine included in the JDK you installed (see Install Java SE Development Kit (JDK)).


    Set this to /opt/escenic/engine.


    Set this to the host name or IP address, should be unique for each server in a multi-server setup (not relevant for single-host installations).


    Set this to /etc/escenic/engine/common/security.


    Currently, the only valid setting for this is tomcat.


    Set this to /opt/tomcat.


    Set this to /var/lib/escenic/solr. This is the location to which you have copied the Solr configuration data (see Copy Solr Configuration).


    Set this to /opt/escenic/assemblytool.

Then, on each of your engine-hosts, while logged in as root:

  1. Copy the ece script from the assembly-host. If you have installed an SSH server on the assembly-host and SSH clients on your engine-hosts, then you can do this as follows:

    # scp escenic@assembly-host-ip-address:/opt/escenic/engine/ece-scripts/usr/bin/ece /usr/bin/

    where assembly-host-ip-address is the host name or IP address of your assembly-host.

  2. Make /usr/local/bin/ece executable:

    # chmod +x /usr/bin/ece
  3. Verify that the script is correctly installed by entering the following while logged in as escenic:

    $ ece help

    This should give help output describing the usage of the ece command.