Configure PresentationArticleCache Instances

The final step is to configure PresentationArticleCache in all publication web applications to use memcached. To do this you need to:

  1. Add a /WEB-INF/localconfig/neo/xredsys/presentation/cache/ folder to each publication web application. For example:

    $ mkdir -p webapp/WEB-INF/localconfig/neo/xredsys/presentation/cache/

    This will need to be done on the system(s) where your publication web applications are developed and maintained. For general information about publication development and maintenance, see the Escenic Content Engine Template Developer Guide.

  2. Create a file called in each of the new folders, and add the following content to each file:

  3. Redeploy the publication web applications in the usual way (see the Escenic Content Engine Template Developer Guide for general information about this).

It is also possible to configure this service so that hitting flushCache also flushes the memcached cache. This is not recommended!


With this set, hitting flushCache on any of the servers connected to the same memcached cluster will flush the complete memcached cache!