Create a Publication

To really verify that everything is working correctly, you need a publication in the database. The quickest way to achieve this is to add one of the demo publications included with the installation. To add the demo-temp-dev publication (which is a very simple, stripped down publication with almost no content):

  1. Download the publication WAR file from one of your engine-hosts to the machine on which you are working. You will find demo-temp-dev.war in the /opt/escenic/engine/contrib/wars folder.

  2. Open a browser, and access the escenic-admin web application on one of your editorial-hosts by entering:


    in the browser address field. The following page is displayed:

  3. Click on New publications. The following page is displayed:

  4. Click on the Choose File button and locate the demo-temp-dev.war file you have copied to your local machine.

  5. Click on Upload. The following page is displayed:

  6. Click on the create a publication link. The following page is displayed:

  7. Enter a name for the publication and an administrator password in the displayed form, then click on Submit. The following page is displayed:


You have now created a publication. If you click on Home and then Status to redisplay the status pages, you should see that all the graphics/escenic-app-warning.png warnings that were displayed earlier have now been replaced by graphics/escenic-app-ok.png icons. This should be the case not only on the editorial-host where you are currently working, but on all your engine-hosts.

The demo-temp-dev publication is now present in the database, and can be edited, but cannot be viewed from a browser until the demo-temp-dev web application is deployed on the application server. To deploy demo-temp-dev, do the following on your assembly-host, while logged in as escenic:

  1. Copy demo-temp-dev.war to the assembly tool's publications folder:

    $ cp /opt/escenic/engine/contrib/wars/demo-temp-dev.war /opt/escenic/assemblytool/publications/
  2. Create a text file called in the /opt/escenic/assemblytool/publications/ folder, with the following contents:

    name:          demo-temp-dev
    source-war:    demo-temp-dev.war
    context-root:  /demo-temp-dev
  3. Reassemble the Content Engine installation:

    $ ece assemble

Then, on each engine-host, while logged in as escenic:

  1. If you are installing everything on one host, then skip this step.

    On each engine-host, copy /var/cache/escenic/engine.ear from the assembly-host. If you have installed an SSH server on the assembly-host and SSH clients on your engine-hosts, then you can do this as follows:

    $ scp -r escenic@assembly-host-ip-address:/var/cache/escenic/engine.ear /var/cache/escenic/

    where assembly-host-ip-address is the host name or IP address of your assembly-host.

  2. Redeploy the Content Engine:

    $ ece deploy
  3. Restart the Content Engine:

    $ ece restart
  4. Open a browser and enter the following URL in the address field:


    where publication-name is the name you gave to your demo-temp-dev publication. This should display the publication.

Publication web applications must be deployed on all hosts where the publications are to be viewed. This normally means all engine-hosts (including editorial-hosts, since writers and editors will want to preview their work). You may not want to deploy this test publication on all your hosts, however.