Install Solr

The Content Engine distribution used to include a solr.war file that could be deployed together with the Content Engine search. This is, however, not possible with more recent versions of Solr. Solr must now be installed as a standalone server on all your engine hosts.

To install Solr, log in as root on each engine host, and:

  1. Download the latest stable release of Solr 6 from a suitable Apache mirror site, to a temporary location. For example:

    # cd /tmp
    # wget

    (Replace 6.0.0 with the latest stable release number.)

  2. Install the contents of the download package in /opt:

    # unzip /tmp/ -d /opt
  3. Create a symlink /opt/solr for the new installation folder:

    # cd /opt
    # ln -s solr-6.0.0 solr
  4. Create the configuration and start-up files required to manage the Solr service, as described in Create Solr Startup Files.

  5. Create a Solr core by copying the Solr configuration files supplied with the Content Engine to a suitable location on the host, as described in Copy Solr Configuration.

In Solr terminology, a core is the set of configuration files that define a specific application of Solr – a schema, an index and all related configuration files. A typical Escenic production installation makes use of two Solr cores – one for editorial purposes and one for presentation purposes. For further information about this, see Customizing the Index Schema..