Old-style Upgrade

You should only use this upgrade method if you have previously installed the Content Engine as described in Old-style Installation. Otherwise you need to follow the method described in Package-based Upgrade.

To upgrade the Content Engine:

  1. Read the release notes for your planned upgrade. Make a note of any special tasks that need to be carried out in connection with the upgrade. Some changes, for example, require you to run a database upgrade script after the upgrade.

  2. Download the Content Engine distribution file and the latest version of the assembly tool to your assembly-host as described in Download Content Engine.

  3. Unpack the downloaded files as described in Unpack Content Engine Components.

  4. Edit your assembly tool's assemble.properties file, setting engine.root to point to the new location, or If engine.root points to a symbolic link, update the symbolic link instead.

  5. Assemble and deploy your EAR file as described in Assemble and Deploy.

  6. Restart your application server(s).

  7. Carry out any required upgrade tasks. For general information about how to carry out a database upgrade should that be necessary, see: Database Upgrades.