Install the ece Script

The ece shell script provides a set of commands for easily stopping, starting and assembling the Content Engine.

To install the ece shell script:

On your assembly-host, while logged in as escenic:

  1. Make /opt/escenic/engine/ece-scripts/usr/bin/ece executable:

    $ chmod +x /opt/escenic/engine/ece-scripts/usr/bin/ece
  2. Open /home/escenic/.bashrc for editing, and add the following line to it in order to add /opt/escenic/engine/ece-scripts/usr/bin to your PATH:

    export PATH=/opt/escenic/engine/ece-scripts/usr/bin:$PATH
  3. Then enter the following command to apply the change you have made in your current shell:

    $ source ~/.bashrc