Creating Binary Content items

To create a binary content item such as an image, video, sound clip or a Word or PDF attachment you first need to upload the binary object the content item is to contain. You do this by POSTing it to a fixed web service URL for binary attachments:

curl --include -u user:password -X POST -H "Content-Type: image/png" --upload-file my-image.png \
> http://host-ip-address/webservice/escenic/binary
HTTP/1.1 100 Continue

HTTP/1.1 201 Created
Server: Apache-Coyote/1.1
X-ECE-Active-Connections: 1
Location: http://host-ip-address/webservice/escenic/binary/-1/2014/8/26/7/dc2dd7d4-ab5d-46d7-8248-ee5b0c0d2268.bin
Content-Length: 0
Date: Tue, 26 Aug 2014 05:23:12 GMT

Make sure that the Content-Type header is set correctly for the type of file you are uploading. The Location field of the response contains the URL of the uploaded file. You can then use this URL to construct an Atom entry resource for the content item:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<entry xmlns="" xmlns:app="" 
       xmlns:metadata="" xmlns:dcterms="">
  <title type="text">basic-grid.png</title>
  <content type="application/vnd.vizrt.payload+xml">
    <vdf:payload xmlns:vdf="" 
      <vdf:field name="name">
      <vdf:field name="description"/>
      <vdf:field name="location"/>
      <vdf:field name="photographer"/>
      <vdf:field name="alttext"/>
      <vdf:field name="copyright"/>
      <vdf:field name="binary">
        <link rel="edit-media"
      <vdf:field name="com.escenic.tags">

Make sure that:

  • The vdf:payload element's model attribute references an appropriate binary content type: in this case it needs to be a content type designed to hold images

  • The link element's rel attribute is set to edit-media

  • The link element's type attribute is set to the same value as you specified when uploading the binary object

  • The link element's href attribute is set to URL returned when you uploaded the binary object

You can now upload the Atom entry resource in the same way as for any other content item (see Create a Content Item).