
The vdf-payload schema defines the content model of VDF payload documents. All content exposed by the Escenic Content Engine's web service is exposed in the form of VDF payload documents, and all content POSTed to the web service is required to be supplied in the form of VDF payload documents.

vdf-payload documents in themselves have a very simple and permissive structure. A VDF payload document is basically a simple sequence of fields that can have any names and contain a wide range of different value types. Fields can also contain nested fields and nested payload documents.

However, a VDF payload is also required to include a reference to a VDF model document, which is a schema defining the content allowed in this specific VDF payload instance.

A VDF model serves two purposes:

  • It defines allowed content and structure for clients constructing a VDF payload document that is to be POSTed to the Content Engine web service.

  • It provides a key that can be used when parsing a VDF payload document exposed by the Content Engine web service.

Namespace URI

The namespace URI of the payload schema is

Root Element

The root of a payload file must be a payload element.