
Defines a content-type's summary. A summary is a set of fields intended to be used when content items appear as:

  • Relations in other content items

  • Teasers on section pages

A summary usually contains a subset of the content-type's ordinary fields. It can, however, also contain fields that are specifically intended for use on the summary.

The content of summary fields can be locally overridden in the relations/teasers that use the content item. That is, when a Content Studio user adds a content item to a section page (for example), she can modify the fields in the teaser without affecting the source content item's fields.

You cannot use rich text fields (that is, basic fields with the MIME type application/xhtml+xml) in summaries.


The following forms of the field element may be used: Complex field, Basic field, Boolean field, URI field, Schedule field, Number field, Link field, Enumeration field, Date field, Collection field, Inherited field.

  • This example defines a simple summary containing two fields.

      <ui:label>Content Summary</ui:label>
      <field name="title" type="basic" mime-type="text/plain"/>
      <field name="summary" type="basic" mime-type="text/plain"/>