
When it contains the value true, this element specifies that source editing of rich text fields should be enabled in CUE. When it contains false (the default), it specifies that source editing should not be allowed. A allow-source-editor element only has any effect when it appears as the child of a content-type, a rich text field element or a complex / array field element. When it appears as the child of a content-type element, it applies to all rich text fields defined in that content type. When it appears as the child of a complex or array field element, it applies to all of that element's descendant rich text fields. When it appears as the child of a rich text field element, it only applies to the field itself.

allow-source-editor settings made at the field level can override settings made at the content type level. Within a nested field structure involving complex and array fields, settings made at the lowest level can override settings made at the top level. Settings made at intermediate levels will, however, be ignored. In other words, for a structure like this:

content type
  array field
    complex field
      rich text field

allow-source-editor elements inserted at levels 1, 2, and 4 will work. allow-source-editor elements inserted at level 3 (or any further intermediate levels) will be ignored.

Note that this element only affects the CUE rich text editor, not the storyline editor.
